Our High Tech Bakery

Inside our Bakery
We never forget the importance of personal service.
Our Head Office and Hi Tech bakery are based in Broad Lane, Cottenham.
Visitors are always welcome, and you can find Broad Lane off the High Street not far from the Fire Station.
Please contact us with your enquiries. Our efficient and friendly staff are always available to recommend and assist you.
In the first instance, please contact either Michael Todd, our Managing Director (michael@barkers-bakery.co.uk) or Suzie Kaloo, our Sales and Marketing Director (suzie@barkers-bakery.co.uk).
Office hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Barkers Bakery Ltd
Broad Lane
Cambridge CB24 8SW
Tel 01954 252 520
Fax 01954 252 511
Email: doughboy@barkers-bakery.co.uk
Registered in England, No. 4182373.
Registered offices: Broad Lane, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8SW